New website for pathology partnership | News

New website for pathology partnership

RLH staff

The East and South East London Pathology Partnership launched a new website to help staff and pathology users from across seven hospitals access essential information about the service, including the tests available, user manuals and joining the team.

This partnership, hosted by Barts Health, brings together the strengths of three trusts’ pathology services into a single NHS organisation.

It operates laboratories across seven hospitals: Homerton, Newham, Queen Elizabeth, The Royal London, St Bartholomew’s, University Hospital Lewisham and Whipps Cross.

The service also maintains strong links with the Medical School at Queen Mary, University of London as well as various universities teaching healthcare scientists.

The website was developed in collaboration with people across the partnership, led by Heather Dolphin, quality and governance manager. "Since we went live last month, 700 people have visited the site, and the feedback has been positive. I hope to build on this over the coming months so the site becomes a useful way for people to access the information they need, quickly."

If you have any feedback about the website, please contact Heather.


  1. Ohenewaah Affum-Bennah says:

    Wow this is amazing

    Added on 17 Nov 2022 at 12:54 PM

  2. keith says:

    Great website from a Professional
    Heather would a person need to do more than courses from NHSE for Information Governance

    Added on 21 Nov 2024 at 06:29 AM

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