Pathology Open Day Success | News

Pathology Open Day Success

On Friday 21st July the NHS East and South East London Pathology Partnership staff at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich held an open and education event for hospital staff and visitors.

The aim of the event was to give staff and visitors the opportunity to find out what happens in the Pathology labs, to see some of the processes and technology we use to analyse patient samples, and to ask any questions about the service.

A display stand was available in the main hospital corridor and Jenny Ohwojeheri, Microbiology Training Lead, and Frances Adeyemo, Microbiology Operational Lead, gave hands-on demonstrations and explanations of the different tests performed across Pathology.  Visitors to the stand had the opportunity to examine slides under the microscope, review samples of tests and take part in a pathology prize draw quiz.  

Throughout the day there were also three laboratory tours led by Susan Benson, Microbiology Scientific Lead,  and service users were taken through the journey of different pathology samples from specimen reception to result reporting. Visitors were able to get an overview of what the pathology team do and they were able to see the key tests performed and analysers used in the cellular pathology, haematology, blood transfusion, biochemistry, point of care, immunology, virology and microbiology laboratories.

Feedback of the event from those who visited was very complementary and the Pathology Partnership team aims to replicate this opportunity at our other laboratory sites.


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