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Test Service Specimen Turn around time (In days)
Amylase Isoenzymes Biochemistry Yellow top SST
Amyloid A Biochemistry Yellow top SST
ANCA Immunofluorescence Immunology SST - Yellow <4
ANCA Myeloperoxidase Ab (MPO) Immunology SST - Yellow <4
ANCA Proteinase 3 Ab (PR3) Immunology SST - Yellow <4
Androstenedione Biochemistry Yellow top SST
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Biochemistry Yellow top SST
Anti D Quantitation Blood Transfusion EDTA 2x6mL
Anti HAV (total) Virology SST - Yellow
Anti Hbe (total) Virology SST - Yellow
Anti HBs (total) Virology SST - Yellow
Anti IgA Antibodies Immunology SST - Yellow
Anti Mullerian Hormone Biochemistry Yellow top SST
Anti Xa Haematology Citrate
Anti-c Quantitation Blood Transfusion EDTA - Pink
Anti-C1q Antibodies Immunology SST - Yellow <14
Anti-Cardiolipin (IgG/A/M) Screen Immunology SST - Yellow <7
Anti-Cardiolipin IgG Immunology SST - Yellow <7
Anti-Cardiolipin IgM Immunology SST - Yellow <7
Anti-MuSK Antibodies Immunology SST - Yellow <28
Antibody Titration Blood Transfusion EDTA - Pink
Antigen Phenotyping Blood Transfusion EDTA - Pink
Antithrombin Activity Haematology Citrate
Antithrombin antigen Haematology Citrate
Apixaban assay Haematology Citrate
APOL1 Genotyping Clinical Transplantation Laboratory EDTA 15 days
Apolipoprotein B Biochemistry Yellow top SST
APTT Haematology Citrate
APTT 50/50 mixing studies Haematology Citrate
Aquaporin 4 Antibodies Immunology SST - Yellow <28
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